Social and environmental sustainability in purchasing and supply chain networks

Legal regulations require companies to implement due diligence processes to comply with social and ecological standards within their own organization and in their supply chain.

Though, professional management of sustainability aspects also helps companies to achieve and maintain long-term business relationships with customers and suppliers. Sustainability management impacts the image of an organization, and also ensures the quality and reliability of its products.

On an organizational level, sustainability management requires culture, goals, processes and tools. On the individual level, sustainability competences are the prerequisite for practical implementation.

Consultancy & Expertise

  • Customized impact analysis
    Organizational strategy and goals
    Expectations from key customers and stakeholders
    Law & Regulations
    Industry benchmarks
  • Sustainability competences
    Competence profiles
    Training concepts
    Training sessions for purchasing professionals and for suppliers

  • Communication
    Definition of target groups
    Measures & Tools

  • Customer Requests

Sustainability Training

Design and implementation of sustainability trainings for purchasing professionals.

Training content

  • Sustainability basics, standards, tools
  • Challenges and opportunities for purchasing and supply management
  • Implementation of sustainability in the day-to-day work of purchasing professionals

Target Groups

  • Purchasing professionals that have to deal with sustainability in their daily job


  • Interactive and case-based
  • Includes findings from research and academia
  • Conducted in English or German

Workshops & Presentations


  • Sustainability trends and challenges
  • Social Standards and Business Ethics within supply chains: Need for action and management tools
  • Opportunities and risks
  • Implementation within organizations

Target Groups

  • Executives and experts within associations, committees and institutions
  • Company representatives


  • Customized presentations or workshops
  • Conducted in English or German

Customer-oriented, Profound, Connected

  • Customer-oriented
    Dedicated to individual customer requirements
    Focused to create additional value
  • Profound
    Based on the consultants experience and expertise

  • Effective
    Effective integration in systems and processes

  • Network
    Alignment to industry standards
    Cooperation with organizations, initiatives, experts (e.g. cooperation with Source For Future)
